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Command Line Interface to Migrate the Database

😄 Introduction

This document describes how to use the command line to make migrations while using Flask-Tortoise. Internally it's using Aerich module to provide the migration support. Special thanks to the author of Aerich module.

Quick Start

Flask-Tortoise module is connected to the flask.Flask.cli click-group. So you can use the command line as same as the other flask extensions.

$ flask tortoise --help

Usage: flask tortoise [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  the default command line interface to manage the version of the tortoise

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  downgrade  Downgrade to specified version.
  heads      Show current available heads in migrate location.
  history    List all migrate items.
  init       Initialize the orm.
  init-db    Generate schema and generate app migrate location.
  inspectdb  Introspects the database tables to standard output as...
  migrate    Generate migrate changes file.
  upgrade    Upgrade to specified version.



$ flask tortoise init --help

Usage: flask tortoise init [OPTIONS]

  Init config file and generate root migrate location.

  -t, --tortoise-orm TEXT  Tortoise-ORM config module dict variable, like settings.TORTOISE_ORM.
  --location TEXT          Migrate store location.  [default: ./migrations]
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

Init DB

$ flask tortoise init-db

Success create app migrate location ./migrations/models
Success generate schema for app "models"
💡 Note: If your models not present at the __main__ file then you must need to pass the models file name at the app config: TORTOISE_DATABASE_MODLES.

Update models and make migrate

$ flask tortoise migrate --name drop_column

Success migrate 1_202029051520102929_drop_column.sql
Format of migrate filename is {version_num}{datetime}.sql.

And if it guess you are renaming a column, it will ask Rename {old_column} to {new_column} [True], you can choice True to rename column without column drop, or choice False to drop column then create.

If you use MySQL, only MySQL8.0+ support syntax.

Upgrade to latest version

$ flask tortoise upgrade

Success upgrade 1_202029051520102929_drop_column.sql
Now your db is migrated to latest.

Downgrade to specified version

$ flask tortoise downgrade --help

Usage: flask tortoise downgrade [OPTIONS]

  Downgrade to specified version.

  -v, --version INTEGER  Specified version, default to last.  [default: -1]
  -d, --delete           Delete version files at the same time.  [default:
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.
$ flask tortoise downgrade

Success downgrade 1_202029051520102929_drop_column.sql
Now your db rollback to specified version.

Show history

$ flask tortoise history


Show heads to be migrated

$ aerich heads
